Thursday, May 22, 2008

And it pours!!

Just when you get used to all the sunshine in your life suddenly the dark clouds appear, bolts of lightening are crashing down and it starts raining. Today couldnt have been different on two fronts

(inside office)
After two days of rest due to some management issues today suddenly everything comes crashing back with 278 issues pending due to two days of leisure!!

(outside office)
It was almost 7 pm and almost 12 hours on this seat when one of my team mate screams


And like mosquitoes attracted to UV light all of us headed straight for the window to see the spectacle. and why not ??

IT WAS RAINING (in all possible ways)

for the next 30 mins it was sheer bliss. almost the entire campus came to life with people playing around in rain and splashing away in puddles!! (yup we are IT professionals)

Its still pouring here and i cant wait to get done with my work and head out to was my pain off.. ;)
As one of my very good friend stated ones

"let it rain
and drive away the pain
let it rain
i wish i were insane"



NRkey Menon said...

I still donno how to make those paper boats!! Damn!!!

And dude I smell parikrama and a Lawsuit! :D

Shweta said...

i know how to make paper boats.
Specially those which resemble boats and float :) :D

Aanshi said...

@AJ, its feels good to smell the wet sand too..!!
waitin for the rains here this time after sweating.. :P

Merc said...

patikrama sings "but it rained" so get the facts rights ;)

i m in AJs category :p

the eternal wait for everyone in that city shall continue.. :)