Friday, April 25, 2008

Try Try till you succeed?

How many times have you failed and your dad/teacher/friend/enemy came upto you and said "keep trying! one day you will get there." And how many times does it actually happen that you try.. On the personal front, i never had the patience to keep trying..

However, since the time i have been working here i have realized that nothing happens in one go- the coffee wont come out right, your code wont compile, testers are bound to give 1000 bugs atleast etc etc and so i hit back to the cubicle repeting the "try try .." chant and inspire myself to get the wok done.

But today at work i just realized (thanks to a team mate)
its simple to give up
its simpler not to try at all
but its the simplest just to delegate your work..

And boy it worked wonders. Thats why i love this industry- you always have someone to whom you can delegate.
Long live IT industry, to anyone who thinks we are going down well think again, we are here to stay.

(status back to busy)


ash89 said...

lol i like da way u think :P

Aanshi said...

delegation zindabaad..! way to go.. :P

NRkey Menon said...

We need new posts!!!

(where 'we' = M.B.R.U. (Mrugank's Blog readers Union)

Merc said...

thats like the worst union i have seen.. even NIRMA has a bigger students union then that :p..